
“It’s been hard to make friends in the past but here I have a second chance.”
“Living at Casa de Amma has helped me make friends because I have found people I have something in common with.”
“Friends are important to have because you can talk to them about anything. You don’t have to go to your mom or counselor or anyone else. You can just go to your friends and they are there to love you and support you.”
“Friends help you out. If you have a problem you talk to your friends. Now I have a lot of friends!”
“A friend isn’t like a parent but they do give you advice on different things that is at your level.”
“Friends understand you. They don’t laugh at you, they laugh with you. It’s like 50/50.”
“When I have been sick, my friends here have come to visit and comfort me.”
“Friends help me be who I am.”

“I wake up every morning grateful that my son has this wonderful place to live.”
“I continue to be amazed by Casa's outstanding staff.”
“Our daughter has matured so much this year. She is comfortable and confident in new environments
and enjoys entering into conversations.”
“Our daughter is exceeding all our expectations.”.

“Working with adults with developmental disabilities is twofold for me. As a staff I hope to help guide and teach the residents every day.
Yet with each day it is I who also learns and grows by working with this extraordinary group of individuals.”
"The support system at Casa de Amma is remarkable because it is uniquely reciprocal between the residents, staff, families,
friends, employers, and even the larger community. Everybody does their part to communicate and advocate,
which makes daily activities and responsibilities for all involved both enjoyable and successful. I truly don't think that
anybody can spend any amount of time at Casa and not be rewarded and grow from the experience."

During my visit, residents were coming and going. Social events like the Monthly BBQ
bring families and friends together. There are also weekly activities planned that
include things Southern California is known for…biking, the beach,
fishing and more. As I met various staff, I was struck by their energy
and excitement about their work.
Casa de Amma (Grandmother’s Home) is a very
inviting place for a very special population of residents.

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